Live-Event goes virtual

CREATORS develop high-end live-format for AUDI AG

Project Details

In times of COVID-19 restrictions and limitations, CREATORS has developed an innovative high-end event-format for AUDI AG: The event provides an update on brand, corporate and – for sure – product news. It has been developed to keep in touch with press and media representatives all over the world.

The concept fuses elements of a news program with talk show components, thus creating a live broadcast on premium tv level. The studio is designed based on the show: the diverse areas strictly follow rundown requirements. Different presenter positions, an elevated talk area and spaces dedicated to Augmented Reality contents create an impressive and entertaining visual experience.

Dirk Arnold – Head of Audi Communications – hosts the live broadcast.

Everything in the show is really live. No fake! And you can feel it. The adrenaline factor is much higher than with a recording. Live is live – there is no second chance! That makes the show more human; and it brings the audience closer to the protagonists.

The event also marks the introduction of Markus Duesmann, since April 1st chairman of the board. In several talk blocks, Markus Duesmann reports on his first 100 days and gives an outlook on the coming months.

Several camera teams provide impressions from the situation in Ingolstadt. Hildegard Wortmann (Member of the board, sales and marketing) is live interviewed by Dirk Arnold. The talk draws a very clear picture on the current situation in sales.

The world premiere of the new Q4 Sportback e-tron concept is the emotional highlight of the show. Dirk Arnold briefly introduces the virtual Q4 in the studio. Then, he hands over to Marc Lichte (Head of Audi Design) and Mira Dechant (Audi Communications) at the design center in Ingolstadt. The live interaction between the both creates a dynamic and highly entertaining car presentation.

The format stands out. It provides important, target-group relevant information. Since it is exclusively broadcasted ‘under embargo’ a week before the official end-of-secrecy, press representatives have enough time to prepare the coverage. And the absence of external moderators in favor of the involvement of Audians creates authenticity and credibility.

We think this is a good example for ‘going new ways’ in this challenging time.

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